I'll just note this had to do with an incident that involved a warfarin overdose, designed to probably have me end up killed in such a way so it would look like an accident or something. I ought to mention, though, it was only the last of several incidences, some of which would technically qualify as rape, others of which were merely abusive in other ways, where police, hospitals, and criminals all worked in close coordination with one another so as to allow for me to be injured or assaulted in some way and have it all covered up. And also successfully intimidate me into feeling I could do nothing about anything anyone did to me that was criminal. E.g., intimidate me into not reporting crimes and just putting up with things. And, at some point, I was so intimidated, it was like I had Stockholm Syndrome or Patty Hearst syndrome. The following incident sure was a good example of this kind of intimidation. Here, it is obvious I was nearly murdered with rat poison -- yet notice how, at every juncture, I am bullied, browbeaten, discouraged, told I am crazy and only imagined it, given the run around. I've been dealing with this sort of thing for years, usually in conjunction with horrible abuse. And I am used to having no choice but to just put up with it.
I'll note, I was still quite dazed at this time and it took me awhile to "figure out" I had just suffered a murder attempt which hospital officials treated me for without even telling me and falsified medical records to cover it up. However, I later learned, what they did was exactly how hospitals treat patients who have suffered warfarin overdoses. Meanwhile, you can also tell it caused some brain damage to the language centers of my brain. In one case, I intended to say I "called collect" and what came out was "I called college." This sort of thing still happens to me every now and then, particularly when I am tired.
One other thing I'll note. It's potentially possible, by this time I had gotten an attorney involved from a high profile law firm which does do a lot of work on white collar crime, it's possible he might have gotten the FBI involved and what happened may have looked like a cover up simply because they did not want to tip their hand and let me (or others) know things were being investigated. I will just say, however, that this was still the last of a long string of incidences, all of which involved police, hospital officials, and other interesting characters behaving criminally, covering up crimes, etc. E.g., it is still illustrative of the larger pattern regarding the crimes that took place and deeply affected my life.
I came back
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
My laptop was destroyed but is still there. My wallet is there but all of the cash was stolen. The one thing present (as far as I know) that I didn't have was two rubber gloves. Meaning, this was a robbery that wasn't intended to leave fingerprints.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
took my bank card out of my wallet, hid it somewhere in the colonial inn, later retrieved it and the owner there wasn't pleased about what happened.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
if they think this is the way to fix the problem, they have a bit of learning to do. I was not abused for 36 years of my life to take this kind of bullshit from wimps like them who can act tough because they have an organization around them.
they were 100 percent wrong
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
and I will never back down. They will learn. They grew up in an environment that made them soft. I didn't. They need to respect and acknowledge that.
since there were no cameras
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
what that man was doing was not signaling, he was unlatching the door so the criminal who came into steal my cash out of my wallet and ruin my laptop could get in. He was obviously from another hotel room and the hotel was involved. I wonder why they did this.
However, I do know one thing, that they undoubtedly wish I don't know
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
as much as I hated my first two visits to NYC, I know they hated my last visit 100 times worse than how much I hated those first two visits. They wouldn't have done it otherwise. And, they know they deserve it.
oh they did leave one other thing, besides rubber gloves
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
a flashlight.
this is what I wrote
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
Basically, they should be magnanimous about the whole thing, which actually is the way I am being, usually at least when I am not distraught. Really, though, they ought to be magnanimous, not do scummy things like that. I've had 36 years of abuse and I know, I was getting to them so they felt an emotional need to do that. They should grow up. Either they did wrong, or they were duped by someone else who did wrong, so they can be magnanimous, admit a mistake, and agree to fix it.
instead of doing a combination
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
of alternating between sucking up/placating, and doing scummy things designed to intimidate, they should be nobel and magnanimous and just say, what happened was wrong and we will fix it. Stefano can't do it because he was behind it, is incapable of facing the truth. Everyone else can.
It's a good thing they got that annoyed
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
At least I got my point across.
to summarize
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
the visitor unlatched the door to the balcony, so someone could enter my room from there. My hotel was ransacked, computer destroyed, key taken from blue keychain, but keychain left. Oddly enough, my thunderbird car key was taken (but that's not the car I brought, the key to that car was with the parking garage) and when I noticed it, well, the person left my wallet and cash in it, and bank card it is too, but I brought my bank card with me when I left and left the cash in the wallet. The hotel supposedly cleaned up my belongings, but they took the cash (but not the bank card cuz I had it with me) and as for my car key, who cares if I lost my thunderbird car key. And who cares if I lost my cash, I just went to the Colonial hotel and retrieved it from there. So they tried to strand me with no money and no car key yet again and break my laptop too. Hahahahahaha, I've been through this too many times, I didn't get stranded. And, on top of it, I can prove the hotel was involved too. After all, if some thief besides the hotel stole my cash from my wallet, they'd have taken my bank card too. Damn I am so sly.
Brian Bixby <bbixby@burnslev.com>
to me
Did you file a police report?
From: Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
To: Brian Bixby
Sent: Thu Jan 13 00:26:30 2011
Subject: to summarize
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to Brian, bcc: malenasd
they didn't let me, they wanted to take me to the hospital first. They didn't even mind that I didn't have an ID. Also, the whole way it worked out, I can prove it had to have been the hotel that stole my cash -- after all, when I left the hotel room, I left my wallet WITH the cash, but not with the bank card. When they hotel retrieved my belongings, everything was missing from my wallet -- but I still have my bank card cuz that's the only thing that was in my wallet that I brought with me. I don't think they want me to file a police report. Besides which, my car's battery keeps going dead, once I had it jump started, no way could I park it anywhere to file a police report, I just had to take the bags with my belongings (keep the car running) and didn't find out my cash was missing until AFTER I got home to Providence.
also the manager discouraged me from filing a police report
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
by saying nobody else could have entered the hotel room but for that one guest who apparently unlatched the door. That would have meant if I had filed a police report, they would have said, nobody else went in and out, and since when I called down to the hotel front desk to say my hotel had been ransacked, they told me that that one guest I had was still there downstairs (why he would still be there many minutes after I had kicked him out is a mystery. Why did he wait downstairs at the front desk for that long? It was when I got back to the hotel and talked to someone who wasn't the manager that I found out, no there aren't hidden cameras looking into every single entrance to every single entrance to every room. When I talked to that manager, he explained to me that anytime I call, they will give the phone only to him and he will be the only person who will be allowed to talk to me.
also, with my car unable to be turned off
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
I wasn't about to go looking through my bags to ensure no drugs were planted there, and I was sure as hell not going to file a police report and encourage them to look through my belongings, until I had scoured them for drugs, which was something I certainly wasn't about to do untilgot home and could stop the car.
I made sure
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
to use my bank card to buy something before I went to the chelsea hotel (just in case they had some sort of surprise for me) and to take money out using the card right after i left the hotel.
(** Note, a lay person might interpret this as me possibly buying a weapon “in case they had some sort of surprise.” In my case, what I was referring to was how I knew if I bought something like a soda, there would be a bank record showing where I was, that I was alive and able to purchase something however many blocks away from the hospital, thus it would make it difficult for anyone AT the hotel to try to figure out some way to kill me and stage it to look like some kind of accident that happened elsewhere).
not only that
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
but the colonial inn owner witnessed that I had snuck my bank card somewhere in his inn. I told him everytime they do this to me they try to leave me stranded, so I figure if I hide my bank card in some place, I don't have to bother with getting money wired. And, sure enough, it worked. He is a pretty good witness because he remembers how last time I stayed there I needed my parents to wire money and it was a big nuisance. He was a nice guy but I have to say was not pleased with me running there with nothing but a jacket and my underwear on -- I also still have the blue thing that had the hotel key, but the key is missing, and I have my keychain with every other key BUT my thunderbird key.
I was running around NYC in my underwear plus jacket
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
because I couldn't get back inside to get dressed, and the way they were behaving at the chelsea hotel -- trying to get me to go back into my room when I saw the key was missing -- made me decide to go back to the colonial house inn which has someone there 24 hours to let someone in by simply ringing a door bell. However, before I left, my wallet was still there - otherwise I couldn't have gotten my bank card -- I still have my wallet, sans the cash, I still have the blue thing the hotel room key is supposed to be attached to. I don't have my thunderbird key, but I do have my regular car key.
who knows
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
maybe it was some hotel worker who ransacked my room, and then they were going to pretend that I did it. Thank God there were no drugs there, or maybe they were planning to plant some? Who knows.
I just know
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
when I told the police, at the colonial house inn, that my room was ransacked, they did NOT want to go to my room at the Chelsea hotel. They said they wanted to take me to the hospital to have me checked out first. Who knows why they did that.
oh and one other thing I don't have
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
can't remember when it went missing. My cell phone.
I have no idea
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
when the hotel room key was taken off my blue key thing, and also I noticed that, when I took my possessions out of the plastic bags, the flashlight was still on. Did someone drop the flashlight and take the gloves off really fast and leave all of a sudden or something? That's so weird. There is a closet in that room, I think, that is locked. Was someone hiding in the closet and when I was in the bathroom, didn't realize it first and then realized it and ran? Whatever it is, the whole thing is weird.
I can prove I had no cash on me until I got to the colonial house inn
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
cuz I had to walk back to the chelsea hotel. And when it was time to pay to get my car, I could pay the fare for parking with my bank card, but I had to pay extra to jump start the car in cash, plus another $5 in cash cuz I lost my ticket. That's why I had to go to the bank and withdraw $400. Thank God I had taken my bank card. Also I was starving and used my bank card to get food immediately after I retrieved it from the colonial house inn.
also I can prove I had almost no cash on me
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
because I tried calling Linda Levine college (she would not accept the charges) and tried calling Malena Collect (not there) and tried calling my parents collect right after leaving the hospital -- long distance calls are I think 50 cents a minute with a four minute minimum or something, and I didn't have quite enough money for that.
all I can say is
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
the whole thing strikes me as very very weird. What the hell was going on there, I wonder.
on my way back driving
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
I had double vision. I wonder if certain drugs can deliberately cause strokes or anuerisms. Maybe this was a murder attempt.
also I am bruised
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
and had a bloody rectum, as if I had been given a bit of rat poison. Scratches made me bleed tons.
the hospital gave me so few fluids
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
that by the end of the visit, my urine was very dark brown, even black. They wanted my head down. …….
The hospital also wanted my head down all the time, and they had me hooked up to tons of monitors all over and were concerned that my heart rate be very low and blood pressure be very low -- which it was. 120 over 62. A heart rate of 100 or more was considered too high for them.
they wanted my heartrate
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
to be like 90 at most. Usually heartrates are dangerously high if they ar 130 or more. ...
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
there are no cameras at each enteryway -- both to the deck and each room. Someone could have come through either entrance and figured a way out.
I know they were unhappy about the situation and wanted me to leave NYC.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
I don't recall the hospital ever drawing my blood, though possibly I forgot that. Nope, definitely do not recall any blood being drawn.
they also insisted I was leaving against medical advise
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
so they were not responsible for anything that happens to me afterwards. But that was only because one doctor agreed I should go, and so did the other doctor agree but for some reason they just couldn't locate her.
I suspect
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to jaquaar50, bcc: malenasd
now that someone in NYC may have tried to poison me with rat poison. All circumstantial evidence, of course. I won't go into more detail.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
bellevue hospital never asked me for a urine sample, the way hospitals always do. This is the only time I have ever been to a hospital and they didn't want me to give a urine sample.
BTW just got emailed back from Karen Flood of Harvard.
I finally got furious and started telling everyone in NYC what happened
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
so they are all upset and think sweet talking me and sucking up to me works. What scumbags. Do one thing, say another. I've had it with them.
Please refund any and all monies spent while staying in Room 125 at the Chelsea Hotel
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to atamasar, brivard, bbixby, bcc: malenasd
While I was there, my room was broken into and ransacked, while I was in the bathroom. My laptop was destroyed, the hotel room key was taken from the blue thing with the room label 125 on it (I still have that blue plastic thing). My thunderbird car key was also taken from my key chain, but that was not the car I drove to NYC with. My wallet with $600-$800 in cash in it was left there, along with my bank card. I tried to barracade myself in the bathroom because I was scared, furthermore, the slightest scratch caused me to bleed profusely, much more than I should have. This sort of thing has happened to me many times in the past following my refusal to date some gay closeted italian man with pretend wife who describes himself as "rich and powerful." Before leaving the hotel, I took my bank card but left my wallet there. I figured, there may be yet another effort to leave me stranded in NYC, as has happened twice before, so I figured, if I brought my wallet, someone might try to steal it, but if I had my bank card, they might miss stealing the bank card. I went to the colonial house inn, hid my bank card there and had them call the police, who refused to go to my hotel room, despite my telling them it had been broken into. Instead they took me to the hospital, bellevue, which somehow knew how to treat me despite not drawing any blood or taking any urine samples. I wonder if I had been given something similar to rat poison (which causes a person to die by hemmoraging) by a guest I had briefly invited into the room shortly before this occurred, and who left shortly before this occurred. I do notice, the moment the guest arrived, he went to one of the windows twice and made some sort of signal to someone outside. In any case, after leaving the chelsea hotel room 125, I attempted to let people at the front desk know my room had been broken into, and they refused to cooperate, so that is why I went to the Colonial house inn. My wallet with $600-$800 in cash was in the hotel room then. When the hotel packed my belongings, and I came home, I discovered that the cash was missing from my wallet. Either a hotel worker took it, or the hotel refused to secure my room after I informed them it had been broken into by someone else, and thus the hotel is responsible for this money that is missing. Furthermore, there was no damage to the room other than to my laptop, other than perhaps that I was bleeding somewhat on the bathroom floor, bleeding which was pretty profuse given that all I had was minor scratches. If the hotel feels a need to not rerent the hotel room until the blood is very carefully washed away, perhaps they feel some need to destroy evidence for the same reason the hospital for some reason did not want to draw my blood or take any urine samples. The person who broke into the room could not have been the guest who arrived, even if the person might have known him, because I still had my hotel room key with me after that guest left. I believe the hotel was involved in this incident in some way. Thus I am demanding any and all monies be refunded and the hotel can simply ask whoever asked them to participate in this sleazy endeavor with me to compensate them for any costs incurred. Also, when I called the management of the hotel, they initially tried to tell me they had cameras watching every single entrance to every room in the hotel, including the entrance to my room, and the entrance from my room to the balcony, so that meant they could prove nobody else had been in my room. This was after I had left the hospital and I believe this was a lie told deliberately to discourage me from filing a police report. Also, there are two items with my belongings that are not mine. A flashlight and two rubber gloves. I can prove that, when I left my hotel room, I did not have cash because I had to walk from the hospital to the chelsea hotel, I attempted to make some collect calls to my parents, who were not there, but I did make a collect call to one Linda Levine, who was there but refused to accept the charges and I will forward an email to her that proves I tried calling collect. Thus, the cash was taken from my wallet after I informed the hotel of the break in.
Please refund any and all monies spent on this trip. I am not going to pay for being harassed by the mafia in NYC.
This is from Damian Schloming
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to colonialhouseh., bcc: malenasd
a former guest.
My apologies for having to rush into your place at night time not fully clothed. Unfortunately, my hotel room was ransacked while I was wedged in the bathroom in a manner in which I could not see who it was who did it, and the hotel (chelsea hotel) claims the cameras prove nobody could have done it but myself. However, that could not possibly be true. I did have a guest briefly visit -- and there is a balcony on that hotel which has cameras shining onto each room -- immediately as he first arrived, this guest opened the blinds twice and gave some signal to someoen, who I must figure must be whoever was watching the cameras. I just know there is no way in hell I would have destroyed my own laptop or, even worse, disabled my own camera so I could not photograph the carnage. They are now trying to say cameras prove that I did all that damage myself. In which case, what else will they try to get me on?
As you recall, I kept telling everyone that I was barracaded in the bathroom when all of this damage occurred - it sounds like the stupid sort of story someone would tell wh cused lots of damage himself and didn't want to admit it. On the other hand, I'm not that kind of a person.
Let me forward you some other emails.
by the way
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to colonialhouseh., bcc: malenasd, bcc: bbixby
the reason I had to come to yourplace to call the police was, my hotel room key was stolen by whoever ransacked my room -- they say cameras can prove nobody was in there except one person who was supposedly downstairs when my room was ransacked. I do remember saying I kicked him out and then the room was ransacked, on the other hand with the key missing -- but not the blue thing that contained the key missing -- I suppose it is plausible he could have come back. All I know is, I would never have destroyed my own laptop and there were things in my room that were not mine, funny metal thing on my bed.
Dear Linda Levine
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to llevine2, bcc: malenasd, bcc: bbixby
Sorry I tried calling collect, but I got stranded in NYC with wallet stolen, luckily I found my bank card so I was ok.
my parents were not home
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to llevine2, bcc: malenasd, bcc: bbixby
so I was trying to think of other people I could call who could get them to wire money but I ended up alright anyway. You were one of the numbers I can remember by heart.
to me
Glad to hear you are okay. I called your mother to let her know you called.
Sorry I didn't take your call, but I am having family problems of my own.
In a message dated 1/13/2011 1:31:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, dmschlom@gmail.com writes:
so I was trying to think of other people I could call who could get them to wire money but I ended up alright anyway. You were one of the numbers I can remember by heart.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
proof that she got my call. Oh and I'll attach a file, by the way. Funny.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to atamasar, brivard, bbixby, bcc: malenasd
despite the hospital not drawing my blood, I have blood samples of my own from then, and could take them to a lab and find out what the hell was in it. If you do not refund my money I will do so and if there was something in it that was poisonous I will file attempted murder charges against the hotel management.
also, there is no reason why
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to atamasar, brivard, bbixby, bcc: malenasd
the hotel room cannot immediately be rerented -- unless you have to scour the whole place and remove any evidence of poison tainted blood.
also, with no sign of forced entry
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to atamasar, brivard, bbixby, bcc: malenasd
the person who ransacked my hotel, left the gloves and flashlight, took my thunderbird key, took my hotel room key, and broke my laptop AND my camera so I could not photograph the place before leaving (yes a lot of people know I am smart enough so I would have photographed the scene before leaving -- notice the photos I took of those text messages I forwarded from my cell phone which also disappeared during this incident) was let in by a hotel worker. Well, I'm not paying the chelsea hotel to let someone into my room to trash the place and my belongings.
also, one more clarification
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to attorneyroman, brivard, bbixby, bcc: malenasd
the reason I could call the chelsea hotel and find out there were supposedly cameras everywhere (no there weren't) was because I had a small amount of pocket change -- but not enough pocket change to make a long distance call to my parents. My bank card I had put somewhere in the colonial house inn which I retreived later. On top of it, my last two visits to the colonial house in were very pleasant genteel experiences. I did not trash my own room there, and they know I am not the sort of person who would. Now they don't want me to ever come back, all because of the antics of your sleazy hotel.
I know why they destroyed my laptop
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
and camera too -- so as to hinder my communicating with the outside world, while in that hotel room when they were going to do whatever it was they planned to do to me.
by the way
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
my arm is very sore from where my blood pressure was taken, and there is a bit of a lump there. The blood pressure cuff must have caused internal bleeding. I feel rotten, like I have a bad cold. In the past they have always been terrified at the idea of trying to kill me -- like that would cause more problems than it would solve. I wonder if some super rich NYC mafia idiot went off half cocked without listening to anybody. What utter losers. The whole bumbling way they went about this just is about as humiliating to them as one could possibly imagine.
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bootjockstud, bcc: malenasd
they didn't want me to move. They were afraid of I would hemmorhage. If my heart rate suddenly went up, even though I was lying still and not engaging in exercise, that would have been a sign I was bleeding a lot, I guess.
Another weird Dr visit
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: MalenaSD
I will explain more when at my computer. He said I have thrombosis which is inflamed vein and he thought it wasn't from the blood pressure cuff but from the iv. But it is sore six inches away from the injection, though yes it is sore from the injection spot to six inches downstream in my vein. But I told him they never put an iv in. They just injected something with a needle and then took it out. And he was like "hospitals never do that, they always put i.v.'s in." Anyway, they won't test for warfarin. He first said it is impossible to test for warfarin but when I pressed him he said he didn't really know if it was or not.
Getting the right info is like pulling
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: MalenaSD
The dr
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: MalenaSD
Insists the lump is not infected so I shouldn't get it looked at closer. How does he know it isn't infected
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: MalenaSD
It goes without saying he implied I might be crazy or making it up. But he gave trying that cuz I am so immune from that tactic now.
I finally found out
Damian Schloming <dmschlom@gmail.com>
to bbixby, bcc: malenasd
from being pushy and asking some of the internists, rather than Dr. Harris, just what you do if you think you have a blood clot. He tried to tell me I had thrombosis from the needle from the IV. I said "but they injected me here," and he said "yes but the IV needle is long" and I was like "no it was only this long (I indicated the length with my fingers, less than one inch) and also they didn't keep it in me for long at all, they just injected me then took it out" -- the thrombosis is at least six inches long down the length of my vein from the injection site -- and he said "what do you mean they injected you, they must have had an IV" "no they never had an IV in me" "Hospitals ALWAYS put IVS in you, they don't just inject you like that." Then he tried to tell me that it wasn't infected so I didn't need to worry about getting it examined anymore closely. Later on, it occurred to me, how the hell does he know whether it is infected or not? Then I realized, vitamin K is a clotting factor, and the area downstream of the injection site would have gotten an extra big dose of it, so there would be a blood clot there, so I asked an internist how do they figure out whether you have a blood clot and he first thought X-ray but then found out they use ultrasound too. Anytime I told them I wanted to ask Dr. Harris another question, they would call him but he sort of never came. In any case, I'm a pretty aggressive person so I found out all I need to know. Though, well, at first he tried to tell me it is impossible to test a person's blood to determine if he has warfarin in him. Then when I sort of asked him the question again "are you saying it's impossible to detect warfarin in a person's blood stream," he clarified by saying he didn't know if it was possible. Bottom line, they certainly can't or won't do it. I could go to the ER and ask them to do an ultrasound and X-ray -- but I better lie about what it really is about, and that's the problem, I hate lying, I'm bad at it and if people press me I tend to admit the truth. I could go send out an email that I'm going to Mt Auburn Hospital, and then I go to Cambridge Hospital instead. (Isn't my gmail being hacked?) But I hate the idea of waiting in the E.R. for hours. A couple of days ago I became worried -- warfarin has a very long half life -- but if the vitamin K half life isn't long enough and it wears off before the warfarin does. So I called Bellevue ER said who I was, sort of said enough so they kind of knew what it was about, and then the women told me she would answer my question but she just needed to put me on hold first -- and then she proceeded to put me on hold forever. What if they say "oh sure we'll do an ultrasound and and x-ray" and then proceed to make me wait in the waiting room forever too? I'd hate the idea, the Sicilian side of me gives me a rather bad phobia of waiting in lines that are too long, and I hate traffic jams too. I could come up with a clever plot to fool them, pretend I'm a dog and have my mother take me to Angell Memorial Animal Hospital, and say "I think my dog ate rat poison" but the problem is, they'd just give me an overdose of vitamin K, when it is an ultrasound I would need. Oh well, I bet I could figure out some clever tricky way to get my blood tested for warfarin somehow at a private lab if I really wanted to. Without anyone knowing which lab until it was too late -- the lab would have to not know as well.
Fenway Community Health did agree to test my blood clotting factor, and also my platelet levels. I might be anemic, I definitely feel weak. Hmmmmmm, maybe I should take iron pills. I don't want to meet with the harvard lady anemic. That would be just as bad as not having a suit and tie.