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Heather MarloweDoesn't reading HUFFPO propaganda get so tiring
Damian Schlomingits annoying yes
Heather MarloweUr nickname hildebeest is perfect
Damian Schlomingapparently Michelle Obama was the one who nicknamed Hillary The Hildebeest first
Heather MarloweUgh so it was supposed to be flattering?
Damian Schlomingno apparently they hate each other - this is all according to the guardian
Heather MarloweOr was that when they were competing?
I'm taking my play to colleges and it's so tiring talking to all these young "activists" who can't see that govt IS THE PROBLEM and SOURCE with systemic and systematic rape
Damian Schlomingwell do you know how it is? They are young and -- well that's the thing. They either know the truth from their parents -- and are ambitious. Or they don't know and are easily manipulated.
but if you pay attention to the things Naomi Wolf and Gloria Steinem say, you can see that as people get older, they wise up
Heather MarloweI'm 30 I'm not *that* old but I fucking get it. Yes you're right.
Damian Schlomingyou get it -- but I think you get it because of what your experiences were
that's why I get it
Heather MarloweYAS!
Damian SchlomingI totally understand -- but I sure didn't understand before I learned the hard way
Heather MarloweYes I have to be patient with the youngsters lol
Damian Schlomingnow if you ever talked to women like Naomi Wolf, Gloria Stiemen, or even Jane Fonda, they are somewhat measured in their public statements, but I think if you talked to them privately, you wouldn't experience that frustration
Heather MarloweAgree but they are silent to the young ppl bc they are embedded at this point
Damian SchlomingI've been paying attention to things they say recently - in videos online
Heather MarloweMaybe not wolf
Damian SchlomingSteinem hints
Heather MarloweI'd like to see that I saw her talk in Marin and YAWN
Damian Schlomingin Marin?
Heather MarloweYes she was out here in CA
Damian Schlomingoh
Heather Marloweshe spoke about taking everything with love and measuring ones sacrifice
Damian Schlomingwho did?
Heather MarloweSteinem
Damian Schlomingoh
Heather MarloweSo I'd like to see her hinting is all I'm saying
Bc I'm sure her vote will be with Hillary lol
Damian Schlomingyup
there was a recent video of camille paglia
Heather MarloweW steinem?
Damian Schloming
Everything's Awesome and Camille Paglia is Unhappy! up as "a gender nonconforming entity" during Eisenhower's America wasn't easy for cultural critic and best-selling author Camille Paglia. Her adolesc...
Damian Schlomingno
Heather MarloweAlso do your posts get taken down on FB lol?
Mine do!
Damian Schlomingwhat she said was the rape activists that she doesn't like are the ambitious GRADE HUNGRY ones who have been helocopter parented
well I started documenting any controversial posts so if they were taken down I could prove it
Heather MarloweYES! The rape activists who are trying to "get famous"
Damian Schlominglet me put it this way fb likes to censor things maybe but they sure don't like it if such censorship backfires
Heather MarloweEVE ENSLER
Damian Schlomingwell in my experience, the one thing that was done to me that would qualify as rape -- definitely was rape, I mean it was pre-meditated, not really ambiguous -- was unpleasant but fairly mild and not that upsetting compared to most of the other things done to me
being involuntarily drugged and ending up in a dangerous situation -- that's so much worse
and then all the politics afterwards
now maybe if you are a woman, it's worse, I don't know.
but if I look at what they define as rape or make the biggest fuss about, and then I look at what experiences hurt me the worst, it's two different things
Heather MarloweIt's not worse in "the system"! Rape victims are all treated the same!
Damian Schlomingwell I think there are a few "favored" rape victims out there, you know
Heather MarloweYes!
Damian Schlomingfamily connections and status make all the difference in the world
Heather MarloweYou're right.
Damian Schlomingit's all politics
Heather MarloweI'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about the common person
Watching parliament
Damian Schlomingso police look at who the alleged perpetrator is and who the alleged victim is, and they think about whose mother is most likely to do a better job of lodging the sort of complaint against them with city hall that might hurt their careers, and they act accordingly
you know mothers are more blindly protective of their children than fathers are - and are often able to far more successfully pull strings to get their own children favored treatment than men are
if there are some young men out there who think they can get away with things -- isn't it more likely due to who their mothers are?
ditto for complainants too
Heather Marloweyes. It's been interesting listening to the 1% mothers here in SF who are telling their sons that if any woman tries to cry rape they will have that woman taken down
Also encouraging men to date off campus
Damian Schlomingyup
Heather MarloweWe've created this though!
Damian Schlominghowever there are also mothers of daughters who encourage them to set men up
for their careers
Heather MarloweRAPE HYSTERIA
Damian SchlomingI've had tons of gay men try to set me up in different ways over the years -- manipulate me in all sorts of ways into bad situations
there must be women who do this to to men
because it's sort of an industry
they get paid to do it
Heather Marloweugh it's so dark.
Damian Schlomingoh and the thing with mothers telling their sons if any woman accuses them of rape, they will have her taken down, is sometimes it really happens. And sometimes he really did rape her.
it all depends on how powerful a family is
actually in my case -- I think the guy who raped me was probably asked to do so as a favor. And was rewarded for it. Because they WANTED me to do a complaint which could then be used to instigate a whole bunch of crimes against me
they wanted me to go to the crooked police
Heather MarloweYes for sure! I am surprised none of the alleged attackers at all of these colleges haven't sued yet. That says a lot.
Damian SchlomingI think some have
Heather MarloweOh really?
I know the fraternity at UVA is
Damian Schlomingthere are a lot of men who have been expelled who are suing
what they need to do is have separate dorms for men and women -- which make it harder to hook up so easily
stuff like that
if it's really a problem
but this obsession with after the fact judicial processes -- no good
Heather MarloweNo good. Did u try to sue the cops who fucked U over?
Damian SchlomingI went to an attorney
and forwarded him all the documentation
which was a huge amount
Heather Marloweand nothing...😐
Damian far nothing really
Heather Marlowe1:50pm
Damian Schlomingbut, if he were part of some cover up, I'd be dead and not talking about what happened to me online
And he didn't TELL me that he dd anything about it, though he hinted.
However, supposed there were some sort of investigation going on over it, it makes sense he might not have let me know about it
Heather MarloweGotcha
Damian Schlominglook at it this way, if they want to solve a crime, they might send people in undercover, and would want certain people to not be expecting it
Heather Marloweof course.
Damian Schlomingbut, the way I look at it, at first it looked like the attorney was handling things corruptly -- however, if that's what he really was doing, I'd either be dead or they'd have figured out some way to do something to me
so I feel somewhat better now
gradually -- it's a relief I can be less scared. But emotionally it's difficult
the moment you stop being scared, you start thinking about the things people did to you, things you blocked out because you were in survival mode and numb
Heather Marloweyes! The victims suing down in Memphis are followed and threatened constantly
Damian Schlomingreally?
Heather MarloweBy the city
Oh yes.
Damian Schlomingthe victims who are suing in memphis are suing because of blatant corruption
Heather MarloweYes
Damian Schlomingand refusal to process evidence
Heather MarloweIt's a little different but I'm just talking about the aftermath
Damian Schlomingand these were unambiguous rapes too, right?
Heather MarloweYes "perfect rapes"
Damian Schlomingyeah -- not these situations where it is a he said she said and the reason why justice didn't happen was because there was no evidence other than her word
Heather MarloweAll the journalists trying to report on their case are threatened and black balled too
Damian Schlomingwell I think the New York Times engaged in selective reporting
Heather MarloweNew York slimes is what I call it
Damian Schlomingyes
see I don't like the push for affirmative consent or to chip away at due process
Heather Marloweof course not!
Damian Schlomingif it is a he said she said and ambiguous -- even if it was rape, it's one of the less serious circumstances, and if you go and accuse a man who took advantage and was pushy but otherwise there is no physical evidence, he will get a scare and will watch himself next time
and that's enough
what's really bad are the obvious rapes where they are stonewalling
falsifying evidence
Heather MarloweYes and destroying evidence too
As is what's going on in SF
Damian Schlomingnow it's true sometimes a rapist will do a premeditated rape and be clever enough to make it look like he was just someone who was overly enthusiastic and had poor impulse control.
Heather Marloweat the crime labs
Damian Schlomingbut, still, that's far less disturbing than the really egregious crimes that are covered up due to deliberate corruption
Heather MarloweYES! Deliberate. Systematic. Controlled. Corruption
Damian Schlomingthey want to make it easier to push false allegations through -- so as to intimidate people into not pushing too hard against the really bad corruption
Heather MarloweThis is the "movement"
Damian Schlomingyeah
Heather MarloweYou just nailed it
Damian Schlomingwell there are some people who are sincere and some people who are not
did you read some of my posts I made regarding how I noticed the recent rape movement seems to have paralleled the withdrawal of troops from Iraq?
Heather MarloweNo!
Damian SchlomingI post a lot on avoiceformen -- even though they are kind of hostile to me
I kind of use their server in a sense
I've had a few people basically tell me that the rape issue gets used by medical companies to blackmail people in such ways that help them get guinea pigs for medical experiments
And they did tons of medical experiments in Iraq and developed some very interesting procedures
and now they can't do it in Iraq anymore -- and.......
Heather MarloweReading rn
Damian Schlomingthey probably use both accused rapists AND rape victims as guinea pigs. And some are individuals being blackmailed because they did wrong, others are individuals who may not have done wrong but have been effectively socially marginalized by those who have.
now that's the thing -- people definitely HAVE told me all this stuff is true. However, I've been manipulated before and had people feed me lies trying to get me to repeat them so they could discredit me. So I'm a bit wary about it -- but it probably is true
Damian Schlomingif you just google enough stuff you will notice since the Iraq War they have made tons of progress -- with robotics and with transplants. It looks like with this man they gave him new sphincter muscles -- which they attached to his former nerves. And they got it half right but not completely right. Like they need to do more experimentation to figure out how to perfect it
Heather MarloweIm still reading the experiment chat
Damian SchlomingI was upset and somewhat freaked out when I wrote it
I got to see......
kind of creepy
Heather MarloweDid they solicit rape victims for this experiment?
This is so fucked
Damian Schlomingand the manner in which he talked about it -- not straight forward, tons of beating around the bush and hints which you have to unravel and interpret
Well I've had many gay men tell me the pedophile priest situation in the catholic church was used SOMEHOW to get guinea pigs for medical experiments, particularly with HIV drugs
Heather Marloweyes I'm following
Damian Schlomingso the question is, what is pedophile priests who were experimented on? Yeah I think so -- but part of the deal with the Catholic Church might have also involved experimenting on some of their victims too
however, I do think men have one particular problem when it comes to being molestation victims
think about the age of consent laws
you are a child or underage and are molested -- definitely a victim
but what if the priest or molester stays close to you and molests other children as well -- including group sessions and orgies which you have to participate in?
and maybe all are children -- but what about when some of the victims start growing up
Heather Marloweyes
Damian Schlomingone day they are a victim -- the very next day on their birthdays, they turn into perpetrators
this man was molested starting as a child -- and then forced into a monastery until maybe 24 or 25
and these pedophile rings are dangerous and if you are forced into one as a result of being a victim, I think they can force you to participate in abuse of others -- and those who refuse to cooperate can get put in danger
Heather MarloweI'm totally following. And I'm sure that the colleges w the biggest endowments are investing in the medical industries and institutions w these experiments and sponsoring the anti rape crisis orgs hysteria
Damian Schlomingin other words I think there are some abusers out there who aren't even pedophiles but were abused by one as a child -- and they get pressured into doing it just to assuage the fears of their abusers
Heather MarloweI AGREE
Damian Schlomingyeah
Heather Marloweso dark. I mean look at no more -- they have a corporate medical sponsor JAZZ
Damian Schlomingand think of how vulnerable and easily controlled you are at age 18, which is usually the age at which one can start to get into trouble
Heather MarloweJazz markets the date rape drug
Damian Schlomingwho does?
Heather MarloweThink about all the experimentation
Jazz pharmaceuticals
They market xyrem
Damian Schlomingoh ok
oh and medical doctors are very corrupt
Heather MarloweVery.
Damian Schlomingand often get involved with illegal drugs -- they are the ones who have the access
well now you see when I was a student at Harvard I worked for the Harvard development office for awhile -- the corporations and foundations dept. -- and I remember talking to some of them about the issue of corporations who give money and want to attach strings
force them to do things they don't want to do
Heather MarloweYes Harvard must "invest" their endowments to see a retune
Damian Schlomingand I talked to other people in the Harvard Administration about the whole issue at the time
Heather MarloweReturn
Damian Schlomingit's definitely an issue they are aware of
Heather MarloweSo they invest in the most corrupt things I'm sure right?
Damian Schlomingwell it's more they get contributions they are dependent on
what they did say, though, was the corruption is worse at poorer lower teir colleges that are more desperate for money
Heather MarloweBut don't they also use their endowments aka donations to invest for a higher ROI in the market?
Damian Schlomingyeah
well the thing with investing is it's different
everyone invests and if there is structural corruption in society, you can't help that
Heather MarloweYes
Damian Schlomingthe biggest issue is if a corporation tries to donate money and force researchers to falsify experiments
or cover up things
it's using the brand name for corruption
Heather Marloweahhh I'm following
Damian Schlomingas a product endorsement
it's the corruption of research and silencing of Key Opinion Leaders
that is what matters
but think about it
it's not just bribery that goes on
corporations can deploy hit-men to get their way.
or rapists plus crooked cops plus hitmen.
carrot plus stick approach
Heather MarloweOf course! Did u watch the doc BIG BOYS gone BANANAS about how dole went after that filmmaker - if he didn't have cameras on they would have sent hit men after him
Damian Schlomingthink about it. if they relied solely on bribery -- you'd get problems with whistleblowers
no i didn't
Heather MarloweIt's on Netflix
Damian Schlomingyup
to be honest, I have my suspicions about what may go on at top universities
Heather MarloweWe should!
Damian Schlomingif there is a very big name, the incentive for corporations to engage in certain kinds of control are high
except, what this can result in is individuals -- including high up ones, prominent people -- AT the university literally being forced into situations where they must do certain things.
to friends, lovers, children, family members
where the ability of the corporation to deploy hit-men and other means can cause someone to see such stuff as the lesser of two evils
Heather MarloweGod only knows what obama has endured!
Damian SchlomingI'm afraid to mention it too much
Heather Marloweyep smart
Damian Schlomingbut what if some people at Harvard are forced to do horrible things to family members, like have family members get used as guinea pigs, and they go along with it because the corporations behind it have the capacity to cause all those who refuse to cooperate, and all those who would whistle blow to endure torture such as this:
Violent threats - Milford Cubicle - Page 4
forums.avoiceformen.comI have reason to believe that the following blog by Milford Cubicle constitutes a violent threat directed at me personally:! I submitted a longer report to the AVfM administration, containing confidential information I did not want mad…
Damian SchlomingAnd look at it this way -- think about it from the perspective of a CEO engaged in such criminality. They want several layers of protection. They don't want it to look like they forced people to use their family members as guinea pigs -- so they force these family members to engage in behavior which allows them to have a cover story that makes it just looks like they are bad parents, bad husbands, bad wives, evil people.
Damian SchlomingAnd then it looks like the university wants to cover it up to protect its reputation - except, universities are made up of individuals, none of whose livelihoods depends on a university's reputation. They can all whistle blow and jump ship somewhere else -- UNLESS corporations were preventing them
Heather MarloweWas that snitches transcript sent to you?
Damian Schlomingyeah and if you look at the threats he made, I suspect he has read a lot of my writings on various websites
it's as if it's a veiled threat directed at me
where I'm the one he is calling a snitch
Heather MarloweYes
Damian Schlomingyeah one of the moderators for A Voice For Men was very interested in making sure that I read that transcript and that I watch the video
and this same moderator is a former bailiff for the court system
I mean, you know what that means -- bailiffs know stuff, after all they are the ones who are there in those "closed court room sessions" that happen when crooked police and the mafia have flubbed up and they need to quietly make a deal with someone
Heather MarloweIt's so dark!
Damian Schlomingwell, Nazi Germany was similarly dark
Heather MarloweWere u freaking out reading that?
Damian Schlomingthere's precedent for it
No I wasn't, oddly enough
Heather MarloweOMG yes!
and wait
Damian SchlomingBecause yeah it looks like it is directed at me -- at the same time, I don't believe it
Heather MarloweThe moderator drew that to YOUR attention???
Damian Schlomingyeah
A Voice For Men is kind of corrupt
GrumpyOldMan -- he's berrated me often
but that video is empty threats
Heather MarloweYes I mean if the moderator is a shady former baillif
I can't access it
Damian Schlomingthey wouldn't ever threaten to do something like that -- they would actually do it
yeah it was taken down
Heather MarloweYep!
Damian Schlomingyeah the moderator is a former bailiff
and Paul Elam is a former member of the healthcare system
who had whatever kinds of inside connections so when he had a daughter he was miraculously able to game the system in such a way so he never had to pay a cent in child support
These guys who run A Voice For Men are corrupt. Now the thing is, that does mean they know how bad the system is and they know it through and through
and anyone who isn't corrupt won't know as much as they know
corrupt people make bad allies -- but non-corrupt people also make bad allies because they are ignorant
Heather MarloweYes well said! Damian I'm meeting a friend rn for lunch but it's always great to chat w you as DARK AS IT IS. I'll ttyl.
Damian Schlomingwhereas corrupt people are bad allies -- but if they know the truth sometimes you can lean on them to do the right thing.
i need to run now too