[Edited to include something important. The first time a little bit of "hostility" or deliberate attempt at sabotage happened (from a co-worker) that sort of indicated this was not an environment conducive to me having much of a career in real estate, the first thing that happened when I met with Judy Beatty and started to tell her about the co-worker's sabotaging behavior, she interrupted, cut me off, and told me "I've had cancer five times" and didn't say anything more. It's kind of funny how, much later on, I find out that, sure enough, her cancer was something CAUSED by the medical community, and probably caused by a product they knew would cause cancer but they covered it up anyway. But I suspected something like that at the time, and that's why I didn't continue to object. See, at the time, I was being told, well I wasn't being told but it was being "implied" to me that such a job was a way of paying me off and buying my silence in some way. I'd do well in real estate in return for shutting up about things. However, I've always known my situation, exposing it, could potentially do wonders for helping to cut down on corruption in medicine, and I knew a lot of people knew that too. So maybe her saying that was a way of implying, I had better things to work on than selling real estate.
[Clarification 9/25/2017 -- big problem was how I was brainwashed. Except, more scandalous than being brainwashed was cops' and others' blue wall of unanimity regarding "how the system worked" leading me to see things as something where cops are 100 percent in cahoots with the mafia which runs society like a dictatorship, and the only way you can get anything done with cops is to ensure they get the blessing of the mafia first -- which it won't give unless certain propriety secrets are covered up and stay covered up. Meaning you need to broker some kind of deal where there is partial criminal prosecution of perpetrators and a half cover up -- maybe. From my standpoint, though, I was not 100 percent sure the system worked like that. But a lot of important people seemed determined to get it through to me that it DID work like that, and perhaps they were corrupt, crooked, etc., e.g., aberrations, and were able to portray themselves as a bit more part of the mainstream than they really were, but so long as I didn't know for sure, what would the price be of insisting the system was more honest than people were portraying it to me, and trying to insist on a full and open investigation anyway rather than either having my silence bought or having a half cover up of some things, in return for the mafia giving its blessing for the feds to fully investigate other crimes against me in a way that gives me relief? Death, dismemberment, framing, institutionalization, aka life destroyed. And I already had dealt with drugged rapes, involuntary druggings, and other terrifying incidences. So, I should note, Jae Beatty was there implying that perhaps there might really be an investigation going on, rather than a payoff, when she discussed the whole cancer issue. E.g., she cares about these issues. And doesn't want my silence bought. So perhaps all this is part of some investigation that is honest and legitimate. We will see.]
Meanwhile, the other lesbian who was hired and then received a lot of favoritism and who also did things that provoked me into starting to study feminism and start to begin the process of critiquing and understanding it was ALSO someone who told me that she suffered from the same problem Leiza Scerbo suffered from, which Leiza Scerbo was somehow able to get treated "under the table," but the better treatment is being blocked by the FDA solely so hospitals can make more money treating it the current ineffective way. Painful Endometriosis.
Meanwhile, it isn't nice to point out issues regarding potential child molestation or for me to point out sexualized talk by some would make me suspect such a thing as child molestation on their part, however given the fact that all or most of my problems were caused by me filing police reports against child molesters, it makes sense that Beatty might have thought of it as a good way of "hinting" that I should go in the direction of exposing things online. IF they officially made a deal with wrong-doers to help manipulate me all as part of a big cover up, I think maybe that's what they were saying (and what I was saying) to be cautious, yet it is pretty obvious they didn't want such a cover up to succeed, and that would explain such interesting aspects of their behavior in this regard. Which was excellent in terms of goading me into studying all the right issues and doing what I could to expose things. But, at the same time, is still horribly unpleasant for me. -- October 29, 2015]
[** Added November 29, 2015. I remember one other thing. The lesbian who was hired there at the exact same time I was hired there also would have several conversations in training about how poorly she was treated by snooty people on the East Side, due to being working class and having a black wife. She was then treated favorably in terms of being given business while I wasn't, again a subtle hint that I should quietly and slowly get over my brainwashed assumption that I couldn't or shouldn't talk about the things that were done to me. I'm not sure why they would have felt they should have such a light touch regarding all such subtle hints but I suppose they have their reasons. Well, I'm smart enough to figure out, with me as a crime victim, if they are taking it seriously, they need to do a psychological evaluation. Perhaps if I have suffered from what you might call obedience conditioning, they'd want to do nothing but subtly hint, watch me slowly figure out I can on my own take initiative to start "coming forward" and telling my story even if no one has TOLD me to.]
This is a conversation with someone who has been paying attention to my facebook page for a long time -- and there is nothing particularly unique about what I am saying now (other than I am getting more and more courage to disclose more and more of the details regarding what happened to me AT HARVARD than before) compared to what I said before, that she should suddenly start telling me she is "shocked" at what I am saying and somehow implying this means I am a mean person, or whatever.
Meanwhile, when I call her on this, she starts to explain that she believes everything I am saying, discloses how she has been a victim of medical corruption herself, and indicates she believes the perpetrators should be brought to justice and it is important that my message not get lost.
One thing also I should point out is, I originally hired an attorney right before Obama's re-election, and the way he handled the situation, he kept browbeating me and attempting to convince me I proved nothing, and also said many things that gave indications that he had been paid off to take my case, and then bully me while I was in a horrible situation of extreme intimidation following all the crimes that were committed against me. In any case, one thing he did was tell me I need to look for a job and he ended up very much encouraging me to work at Keller Williams under Judy Beatty. And, the moment I start working there, they suddenly start getting tons more business than ever before, and they were also allowed to "break into" the East Side of Providence and put up an office there. And Providence East Side is very exclusive and closed, in the sense that it's nearly impossible to be able to "break into" the East Side like that without big time heavy connections. Meanwhile, she basically refused to let me do any work and they ended up sabotaging things, taking pictures for business cards and then not delivering them to me, refusing to assign me a mentor, etc., even while others who started in the office at the same time were given every advantage, ostentatiously enough so I knew I shouldn't even try to do any work.
Meanwhile, there were a few hints from people that maybe there was some kind of investigation going on and I just needed to wait "in limbo" as it were. However, plenty of other indications suggested that they were paid off in some way -- and so was my attorney -- but I am not 100 percent sure. Maybe they wanted me to pretend to work there because my lawyer had launched some kind of investigation but wanted it kept hush, thus he needed to create an appearance that he may have been handling it corruptly, while undercover cops investigated? If so, the problem of all the criminals hacking my computer/email account would have necessarily had to lead to corrupt sounding communications from my attorney. That's a possible interpretation as well -- but I don't know for sure what the truth is. Because it is also true that stringing me along and keeping me passive is what would happen should they have wanted to make deals with any of the criminals to cover it up in return for money and favors.
I do believe that it was very soon after I started commenting online about various topics related to rape and the corruption in govt and with feminism and among women that she suddenly leaves Keller William for Colorado and is replaced. Now, even if their job, officially, was to help string me along and cover things up, as well as provoke me into going anti-feminist, I must point out one of the lesbians in the office who got huge amounts of business, seemingly at my expense (or at least a huge double standard compared to me), and who was also not nice to me also did hint as to having been a victim of medical corruption, or at least someone who had an interest in corruption in the medical system being exposed. And same is true of Jae Beatty. Not only that but the official reason given for her resignation was that her daughter was having a baby and she needed/wanted to spend all her time with her grandson. And I have noticed for quite awhile, I feel her facebook posts regarding her grandson are a bit sexualized, at the very least the kind of post no man could ever get away with. That, again, is somewhat consistent with, well, medical corruption always takes advantage of those with weak areas pertaining to child molestation and/or incest. Not only that, but if they WERE planning to handle my situation corruptly, that's another thing I remember being told by these people in the North End. "There are certain jobs you can only trust pedophiles to do." Because they are so afraid of getting caught, they'll agree to anything. Of course, it isn't nice to speculate in this way. On the other hand, I can only point out, her behavior and the behavior of that whole firm was quite bizarre. So I think I can say they provoked me into finally deciding to speculate about what's wrong with them that they couldn't just behave normally with respect to me.
- August 16
8/16, 9:28pm
Damian Schlominghello how are you
- August 28
8/28, 7:48am
Judi Langlois BeattyHey Damian, I am really worried about You! I hope that you are ok. If you need to talk, please reach out. You are scaring me. with love, Jae
8/28, 7:50am
Damian Schlomingscaring me?
what for?
I am simply coming forward about all kinds of things I have been covering up before, and it's scary to stop withholding this information
I'm revealing stuff I have been intimidated into covering up by criminals
8/28, 7:51am
Judi Langlois BeattyYou don't sound like the sweetheart of a man I know you to be, you sound like someone that is going to go on a rampage and kill a bunch of people that you feel abused you. Am I reading it wrong?
8/28, 7:52am
Damian Schlomingand notice how long ago it is
why are you telling me this?
I told you I was a crime victim in the past
and was fearful of revealing what happened to me, because the perpetrators were powerful
8/28, 7:53am
Judi Langlois BeattyI am worried that people that don't know your heart will think that you are a risk.
8/28, 7:53am
Damian Schlomingthis is a criminal situation I have been working with a lawyer on
and I sent him over 20,000 emails on the issue
I'm publicly revealing what went on
because the lawyer I worked with has given some indications that he might have handled things corruptly and been paid off
8/28, 7:55am
Judi Langlois BeattyOk, I have always been honest with you. I am worried that your rants are coming off very hostile, and threatening, and I don't want you to suffer as a result of it. I probably should have minded my own business, but you've been such a kind and gentle soul to me, it made me gasp when I read some of what you had to say. Sending you love an healing.
8/28, 7:56am
Damian Schlomingand why are you implying I am a bad person simply for coming forward about the truth, e.g., coming forward as a victim of rape adn sexual harasssment
ok why are you taking the information I am revealing about crimes committed against me - and trying to pin it on me?
as if what other people did to me somehow has anything to do with what kind of person I am?
and why are you using the term "rants"?
why the negative connotations of the word?
8/28, 7:57am
Judi Langlois BeattyNot bad Damian, just that with your intellect as a weapon, you are formidable.
8/28, 7:57am
Damian Schlomingand what about all of the evidence I have posted showing hundreds of threats people have made against me threatening to commit crimes? telling me that 'it will all e over soon"
I have brain damage from murder attempts
8/28, 7:58am
Judi Langlois BeattyI believe every word. I am sorry for what has been done!
8/28, 7:58am
Damian Schlomingwhy are you referring to my simply telling people what was done to me as "rants?"
This was a deal between Harvard or a bunch of people at Harvard and Bill Gates
and Warren Buffett -- they used me as a victim
meanwhile notice how long ago some of the incidences were that I discussed
e.g., notice for how many years I have steadily been a victim of a series of atrocious crimes
8/28, 8:00am
Judi Langlois BeattyBecause it feels that way. That's why I reached out to you. I didn't think you would see them as such, but I wanted you to know that they felt like they were getting big an hostile. I know you aren't that way, but between you being so bright, and buff you are intimidating to many. I don't want that to get in the way of what you are trying to accomplish.
8/28, 8:00am
Damian Schlomingwhy are you worried about me ONLY when I start to publicly expose them -- yet I've been dealing with this for 20 years and haven't done anything like that
8/28, 8:01am
Judi Langlois BeattyI wish the best for you. I won't mention it again. I hope it works out that you get what you need. This is pretty awful stuff. I am sorry you went through all this.
8/28, 8:01am
Damian Schlomingthis is all about me talking about Harvard -- about things Harvard doesn't want anyone to know because they don't want it known the kinds of criminal activities they engage in
8/28, 8:02am
Judi Langlois BeattySending you love and healing!
8/28, 8:04am
Damian SchlomingIf I can have all these horrible crimes committed against me, and not in the slightest lose my temper or lose my cool but coolly document things for years and coolly and shrewdly maintain perfect control in how i deal with all this stuff for years -- and I can attempt to go to the police over and over and over again about the stuff done to me and they do nothing, there is nothing special about me deciding I am going to start publicly disclosing everything, now that I have enough evidence to put the pieces of the puzzle together and say, ok I can prove this was a big financial crime committed by wall street elites
8/28, 8:07am
Judi Langlois BeattyI think the thing that you forget is that you are at a level of intelligence that is so far above most that it is intimidating. Add to that your new physique, and your are a force just entering the room. Walk softly my friend. That's all! I think you have every right. I am just not sure you see how you are being perceived, and I thought telling you in a loving way may help you get your point across better.
8/28, 8:07am
Damian Schlomingi am being perceived as a crime victim
and i know that because of the way in which so many individuals respond to me attempting to come forward about my story by encouraging me to shut up
i am being perceived as the kind of crime victim who is an 'inconvenient truth' in a sense. e.g., people want to shut me up
and no i'm not being perceived as threatening -- nobody would go out of their way to treat someone they were intimidated with as provocatively and abusively as i am used to being treated in a number of arenas
so everything you are saying -- that's not how people perceive me, people perceive me as someone they can do things to and get away with it
ok i get your point
8/28, 8:13am
Damian Schlomingyeah people who might want to commit crimes against me will go try to allege what you are saying -- only i can prove they are the worst kind of liars just by showing the provocative behavior and abusive treatment of me. and also by showing I have what's almost like this hostage negotiator type personality -- am able to keep my cool over situations most others would lose their temper and lose control over.
8/28, 8:28am
Damian Schlomingyou know what? you have heard of all sorts of horrible sociopathic things done to me -- and you have said nothing and expressed no concern. Just said absolutely nothing. I think now is a bit late for you to try to say you are concerned -- that i am coming across as threatening.
8/28, 8:29am
Judi Langlois BeattyYou are a love Damian! I think of you and your kindness everyday I use the thoughtful mugs you gave me!
8/28, 8:30am
Damian Schlominglook i don't need to hear about your concern for everybody else -- who might be upset that I am not shutting up about the scandalous things other people have done to me
and yeah I know this is all about harvard's reputation -- but they are a shitty school and I don't think their reputation is going to do anything but go down the drain.
8/28, 8:31am
Judi Langlois BeattySaying you are coming across threatening is showing my concern. I dont want your message to get lost.
8/28, 8:31am
Damian Schlomingno it isn't because vaguely calling me coming across as "threatening" is not feed back -- you aren't responding to something specific i said
8/28, 8:32am
Judi Langlois BeattyYour message is important and if I weren't concerned I would not have reached out.
8/28, 8:33am
Damian Schlomingwhat's wrong with me saying that I was used as a guinea pig for medical experiments when it's obvious I was?
8/28, 8:34am
Damian Schlomingthere are tons and tons of things I have said -- you can point to something specific I said, or how I worded it, that is "of concern". Otherwise, I have no clue what, of all the different things I have said, and articulated regarding the series of crimes committed against me, is "of concern" to you. So I have nothing to go on. I have been discussing this whole issue for a very long time. I am not sure how it is that what I am saying now is any different from what I have said before -- and you didn't respond or say anything
8/28, 8:35am
Damian Schlomingso, again, what you are saying now is not feed back
8/28, 8:35am
Judi Langlois BeattyYou dont have to agree with me. I am sorry now that I said anything. Now you are turning your anger on me. I was hoping to help you see a more softened approach might be better heard. I was wrong.
8/28, 8:35am
Damian Schlomingsoftened approach? that's vague
the crimes people have committed against me -- were harsh
the treatment different people have subjected me to was overwhelmingly harsh and low class all the time
8/28, 8:36am
Judi Langlois Beattyit is specific it is a feeling that is palpable not detail driven
8/28, 8:36am
Damian Schlomingone cannot discuss what they did in a "soft" way
look, it reflects the way people are treating me
8/28, 8:37am
Judi Langlois BeattySorry!
8/28, 8:38am
Damian Schlominglook if i am having to deal with this sort of thing -- non-stop, even to this very day i am having to put up with people treating me in a manner that's like what you see here, what do you expect?http://www.pbase.com/damian1974/threats_following_rape
8/28, 8:38am
Damian Schlomingand i am not going to cover it up
8/28, 8:42am
Damian Schlomingmeanwhile, you and everyone else are failing to respond to or even engage me with regard to the facts, other than that i am having to deal with a culture of 'shut up' and vicious campaigns of harassment and trolling every time i attempt to articulate my story -- which is something i have PTSD about, and repressed memory syndrome and I need to go put the pieces of the puzzle together. This is a crime that was committed against me and parts of it I haven't fully figured out or solved, and what I am doing is attempting to recall various details, and I have to do it in writing, that helps jog my memory better, and put the pieces of the puzzle together and write it all up. I can eventually organize it all together and come up with a final version -- but, for now, anything you have read are bits and pieces of the story, seen out of context, and you haven't seen things i have written on other sites which include a lot of context
8/28, 8:43am
Damian Schlomingbut the interesting thing is, every time i attempt to figure things out in part by writing parts of the story up online, I have people harass me and play head games with me, and not just online. Rather than say "this is terrible" and attempt to ASK me questions that are about eliciting the whole story from me
8/28, 8:43am
Damian Schlomingnobody wants to figure out the truth, it seems
8/28, 8:45am
Damian Schlomingi should have police and others talk to me about what happened so that it is possible to SOLVE the crime that was committed against me and figure out all sorts of things. Not tell me to shut up, and not criticize me for attempting to do my best to figure out what went on -- with no help from anyone and no formal ability to investigate anything anyone wants to withhold from me
8/28, 8:47am
Damian Schlomingyou don't tell me the tone of what i am writing is wrong --you ask me to clarify what I either articulated wrong, or incompletely.
8/28, 8:48am
Judi Langlois BeattyDamian I too am a victim of rape and drugs that were given by licensed md's believe me I understand your outrage, a five time Cancer survivor and much more. It is terrible, but we are equipped to deal with it. I hope you get help in getting the people that did this to you punished, if thats what you need. I believe in Karma and feel like it will come back to them in ways I will not witness but feel sure will occur.
8/28, 8:49am
Damian Schlomingyeah I thought so -- you had to deal with all the same kind of stuff too
8/28, 8:54am
Damian SchlomingIn any case, I know that what you are saying regarding how I'm allegedly coming across as intimidating -- that's not true. That's the "alibi" or pre-emptive strike certain individuals want to use as a kind of alibi, so then they can go on the attack. and go on the attack in certain ways that prove they just think I'm an easy target used to being abused and used to putting up with things without objecting -- e.g., the treatment others have shown me suggests they think the exact opposite of me being "threatening," but want to reserve the right to say that's what they think, as defense IF and ONLY IF I ever get up the gumption to object to their behavior.
8/28, 8:54am
Damian Schlomingand abuse
8/28, 9:05am
Damian Schlomingbut, people who truly think that don't go out of their way to be so psychologically provocative as so many people have treated me. see that's the thing. if people REALLY think you are threatening, they behave themselves and they mind their p's and q's around you. they don't go out of their way to be so deliberately provocative, if i WERE the type of person to be 'threatening,' it already would have happened. if you look at the barrage of extreme abuse i've suffered -- why didn't it happen before? i mean, come on, nobody treats someone like that unless they know the victim has been conditioned into not responding
8/28, 10:13am
Judi Langlois BeattyNot sure about any of that, but I think it has merit. I know the two men that raped me, said that they loved me, and didn't see it as violence, although both did so while doing cocaine, or so they said. Both beat and raped me, and apologized after, begged for forgiveness, etc. I for years thought it was something that I did wrong, or brought on myself...I now know it was their deal not mine. I am sorry you've got to wrestle with all this. It doesn't rear its ugly head with me very often anymore. Big hug
8/28, 10:27am
Damian Schlomingok but i just need to point out, something is wrong with this conversation. at issue is a crime or series of crimes perpetrated by individuals at harvard, and then perpetrated by a whole other set of individuals after i left harvard. and i want to articulate what they did, so that other people can understand, and what you say about karma, people getting it back to them in a manner you will never witness, yeah i've heard that sort of thing from countless individuals, but no, that's not what needs to happen. what needs to happen is the truth needs to be fully and publicly exposed -- with the whole story told publicly and articulated in an organized way so people fully and completely understand the things these individuals did -- which means the FACTS need to be written up and organized into a coherent story. and nobody is helping me do that. instead i get a bunch of people play a bunch of head games, gas light me and threaten me and trigger my ptsd so badly it gets almost disorienting, and then i also have to deal with a lot people behaving very abusively as well, in manners designed to deliberately upset me and undermine my ability to do a good job of telling my story, and then you go criticize me for the 'tone' of my remarks in the midst of all this ----- years after i first started coming forward about all this and talking about it. and even go on saying you are afraid i might kill a bunch of people. don't you see what's wrong with the whole picture?
8/28, 10:28am
Damian Schlomingwhy should all of this be covered up? it's not right that it should be.]
8/28, 10:31am
Damian Schlomingit is particularly in the public interest that the details about what went on when i was a harvard student -- the extremely clever and well plotted manner in which they perpetrated this crime at harvard of all places -- not be covered up. how can i let all this happen to me and they get to get away with covering up the truth?
8/28, 10:33am
Damian Schlomingwhat they did at harvard was on par with -- or, to be honest, even worse -- than this case you can read about here. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/the-amstetten-horror-josef-fritzl-raped-daughter-in-front-of-children-a-551246.html
The Amstetten Horror: Josef Fritzl Raped Daughter in Front of Children - SPIEGEL ONLINE
8/28, 10:34am
Damian Schlomingit needs to be fully exposed, the fact that this sort of thing goes on at harvard is why you have this kind of massive fraud like what you see here; http://www.madinamerica.com/2013/12/neuroleptics-children-harvards-shame/
8/28, 10:38am
Damian Schlomingmy mother was a victim of a similar type of crime at harvard in the 60's, right around the time general mills gave them an enormous donation -- and they exposed her to all sorts of information in nutritional research which they then covered up, they falsified nutrition recommendations in order to benefit general mills as a quid pro quo for their donation to harvard's endowment, and the way they intimidated researchers into going along with all the lies and not whistle blowing was to subject my mother to rape and a whole other vicious series of abuse and crimes, and then they murdered someone she knew and threatened to frame her for it in order to force her to shut up about it. it doesn't just affect someone like me, or other victims. we are a nation of fat people due to all sorts of academic fraud they perpetrate at harvard -- and the crime that was committed against me was part of what goes into the blackmail necessary to get insiders to maintain the kind of discipline necessary so as to ensure they perpetually cover up all these dirty little secrets they know.
8/28, 10:44am
Damian Schlomingand if you read more recent articles on nutrition, you will learn all the nutrition recommendations they made in the 60's are now being revealed as bogus and fraudulent, the studies are unable to be replicated, and the recommendations they made, beneficial to general mills and other large donors, were exactly the opposite of healthy. well, everything i have recently been reading in the past three years about the bogus nutrition recommendations are all things my mother told me in the 80s when i was growing up. she told me the studies were rigged and so on and so forth. and that she had seen the real data, etc., and it was all because of how much money general mills gave to harvard, all the mainstream nutrition recommendations that were out around that time. basically, what my mother told me growing up in the 80s is now starting to be acknowledged in the media as true.
8/28, 12:51pm
Damian SchlomingTHAT is what's important here. And what you are telling me ... is a distraction.
8/28, 2:18pm
Judi Langlois BeattyEverything you say is valid, I was trying to help you with presentation. I won't do that anymore. I wish you luck. When you have a chance look up women's in the 50's who took DES. I have suffered from this atrocity for years. It was exposed, never changed a thing. Sometimes the corporate giants, ivy league schools, etc. are just too big to take down. I am glad that you have the energy to try. I wish you only the best. I won't distract you anymore. I am sorry!
8/28, 2:22pm
Damian Schlomingok regarding the des thing, basically i think they knew it caused cancer. what corporations do in universities, and universities like harvard cooperat with it, is to do underground studies where they study a drug and figure out all its toxic side effects, then they cover up the study, intimidate all the guinea pigs, and then wall street knows how to use the information to guide its investing. they prescribe des -- and then wall street and hedge funds know when particular cancers are going to spike, and by then they will have hedged their bets and invested in the particular treatments, and will make out like a bandit.
8/28, 2:23pm
Damian Schlomingas for presentation, i should have had help from normal people in 'presentation' long ago -- now is a bit late to tell me to employ a 'softer' approach after everyone else refuses to discuss the issue with me and then the only people i have so far been able to even talk to about the issue just so happen to be a really crude group of people.
8/28, 2:24pm
Damian Schlomingmy mother worked for jean mayer of the harvard school of public health in the 60s
8/28, 2:27pm
Damian Schlominghe is credited with doing 'ground breaking work' in 'hypothalamic regulation of obesity and various metabolic disorders. ' -- truth is, he didn't do any of the work. my grandparents and a huge number of other people -- lots of catholics -- did the work. my grandparents were involuntarily forced to participate in experiments using my mother as a guinea pig and one of the things was my grandmother was forced to feed my mother on a strict four hour or six hour schedule, so as to fuck up the part of her brain that controls satiety, and it worked -- and that was an 'underground study' that allowed jean mayer of harvard to take credit for the 'breakthroughs.' which is another thing my mother told me about -- e.g., there is a lot they know which has been covered up to benefit corporations
8/28, 2:29pm
Damian Schlomingmeanwhile i am certain that, the way it worked, they knew a whole population was going to get cancer and they hushed it up -- waited for enough of them to get cancer first in order to maximize profits, and then disclosed the information perfectly timed when doing so would simply enhance profits more -- e.g., corporate profits were behind the timing of the search for women who were exposed to des
8/28, 2:39pm
Damian Schlomingread more about it. you know what i suspect? i wouldn't be surprised if the first experiments on des were done in nazi germany, with the information exported to harvard and kept secret, to be used for the profit of big time harvard doners and harvard elites. that's the only reason members of my family went to harvard, it had to do with medical experiments, some of which were done, well, my great grandfather was locked up in fascist italy under mussolini for awhile and there is a lot i don't know. but, this is all the same stuff that went on under hitler, he wouldn't have done all those medical experiments unless it was for the benefit of large companies. there is also some evidence, for instance, that the mechanism or cure or treatment for hemophilia was discovered a long time ago, kept secret and used to control the romanov family in russia, use them as puppets, and then somehow smuggled secretly through germany (which was secretly funding Lenin) to Harvard. Where two Harvard professors pretend to be the first to discover it -- right around the time my grandparents' meet and my mother is conceived, and my grandmother even told me she was working in the same building as those two professors when they "discovered" the cure for hemophilia.
8/28, 2:53pm
Damian Schlominghow much money have your health problems made for the medical industry, I wonder?
8/28, 3:00pm
Damian Schlomingbtw, I haven't repeated this much but when I went to harvard, there were a few people, not just students but administrators there, who seemed to think that at some point there would be corporate take downs and the like. Maybe they were manipulating me but more than one of them told me whether I knew about the "internet revolution," and when I said I didn't, they said that it was inevitable that, along with the rise of the internet, something about the internet is going to allow for "all the things that have been covered up by the mainstream media to be exposed to the public for the first time all at once." And when people figure out what's been going on.......stuff will happen. Hopefully it really will.